Last updated: April 2021

Ms. Anna Adorno, Spanish  
Mr. Ken Anderson, Boy's Physical Ed
Mr. James Antl, Family Life and Athletics
Ms. Janet Balsley, Retired from Hilltop High in 2002, Girls Physical Ed
Mr. Alexander Berger, Family Life, Math and Athletics
Mr. Robert Brelsford, Work Experience Counselor
Ms. Joanne Carson, Clothing & Fashion Merchandising
Mr. Robert Clarno, Educational Development
Mr. Nelson Dometrius, Social Studies, Speech & Debate
Mr. Joy Gritts, Football Coach & Family Life, Survey Science 
Mr. James Heiner, English, Yearbook Advisor
Ms. Terry Johnson, Lancerette Advisor, Physical Ed and Gemometry
Mr. Victor Long, Counselor
Mr. Don Marshall, Band, English, Choir
Mr. Tom Mercer, Health & Driver's Ed, Geometry & Athletics
Mrs. Marie Miller, Head Librarian
Mrs. Rose Miller, Spanish
Ms. Sandra Miner, Typing and Shorthand 
Mr. Michael St. Marie, Auto Fundamentals and Metal Shop
Mr. Ben Nance, Woodworking and Mechanical Drawing
Ms. Valerie Neil, Typing and Shorthand
Mr. Michael Pradels, Dean of Student Activities
Mr. John Purvis, Industrial Arts
Ms. Barbara Rivard, Survey Science
Ms. Gloria Samson, Spanish
Ms. Carol Shaw, Foods
Mrs. Mary Samaras, Educational Development
Mr. John Scott, Photography 
Mr. Orville Shofner, Drama
Ms. Sharon Sybert, Girls Physical Ed.
Ms. Barbara Rivard, Survey Science
Mr. Pasqual Talamantes, Educational Development
Mr. Alva Thomas, Arts and Crafts
Mr. James Thompson, Cultural and Economic Geography, Family Life and Athletics
Ms. Jan Vach, Idyll Staff Advisor
Ms. Benna Wilson, German
Mrs. Sharon Yaap, Lance Staff Advisor

Mr. John Baumgarten, Crafts, Psychology & Athletics
Ms. Patricia Browning, English
Ms. Erelene Christensen, English, Humanities
Mr. Robert Dodd, Principal
Mr. George Fetter, English & Reading
Ms. Jane Field, English & Creative Writing
Mr. James Fletcher, Math
Mr. John Green, Counselor
Mr. Jerry Harvey, Math
Mr. Ralph Haught, Math
Mr. Don Helton, History, Drivers Ed
Mr. Robert Johnson, American History & US Gov't
Mr. Thomas Jones, College Prep Composition, American Lit. 
Mr. Raymond Kronzer, Counselor
Mr. Wendell Lisle, Biology & Survey Science 
Mr. Robert Love, Survey Science, Physics, Chemistry
Mr. Leo McDonald, Vocational English, English 10
Mr. Byron Myers, Athletics, California & US History
Mrs. Dorothy Ozanne, School Nurse
Mr. Haydin Parks, Geography
Mr. Loney Peacock, History
Ms. Genevieve Pietruszka, Assistant Principal 
Mr. Thomas Rice, History & Government 
Mr. Tom Robinson, English
Mr. John Rindone, History/ASB Advisor
Mr. Wayne Sevier, Family Life, Geometry, Varisty Football
Ms. Maxine Shofner, Business Ed. Teacher, Vocational Counselor
Mr. Warren Smith, Mathematics and Survey Science 
Mr. John Sullivan, Typing/Accounting
Mr. Ted Testa, Boys' Physical Ed 
Mr. Frank Thurman, Educational Development 
Mrs. Paulette Wilson, French, English Lit and Humor and Satire